
Annan Old and Dornock Parish

Church of Scotland


Shoebox Appeal


Annan Old cease to be an organiser of the Annan Shoebox Appeal, although individuals continue to make up Shoeboxes and take them along to St. Andrew’s Church from where they are picked up by the organisation van and taken to a main depot,  who in turn send them to various European countries.    Please continue to put a smile of a child’s face at Christmas time!


From Dumfries and Galloway our Drivers collected 3239 shoeboxes which were despatched to Ukraine.    Once again we are indebted to everyone in Annan Old, and their friends,  who donated enough items to fill ‘the 1239 shoeboxes full of love’.     Your box may be the only gift received by a child this Christmas – so thank you.      25838 boxes in total from Scotland – 25838 excited children who know they have not been forgotten.


3970 Shoeboxes were collected by our drivers, from around Dumfries & Galloway, of which  1254 were donated by Annan Old and friends.  The boxes leave Carlisle on Monday 28 November 2016, enroute to Romania.     Many, many thanks for your kindness.         Just imagine all those smiling faces when they open these boxes of love!!!          


The BIG BOX is now in the Hall Vestibule – we are, once again, asking for donations of small gifts suitable for the Shoeboxes we especially need SMALL TOYS and STATIONERY but toothbrushes, toothpaste, face flannels, soap, hats, gloves, scarves, sweets, and balls would be great too!!   We are again hoping to put a big smile on lots of faces – fill a box to let the children know they are not forgotten.  Thank you.

The Shoebox Packing Night is on 4th November 2015  – come along and to the hall at 7.00 p.m. and enjoy a night of fun and  fellowship as we fill the boxes.    Everyone welcome.

Pat’s visit to Kosovo – December 2014     ……….   she writes the following…..

As I returned from my previous three distribution trips with Operation Christmas Child, to Belarus and Crimea, I vowed I would never come home “comparing” with a negative motive the lifestyles of “them and us”.    Not to criticise or compare but to embrace the customs and culture of the country I was visiting, was what I was told on my very first experience of these different customs and cultures.    Before I went off to Kosovo I would have endorsed the fact that I was abiding by these words of guidance directed at me a few years ago as I made a certain remark at the airport in Minsk.

But, I have to admit that I realise more than ever how fortunate I am in so many ways.    I have my health, my family, my friends and a freedom to live my life more or less as I please (within reason of course!!!)

Our team of twelve stayed in Pristina, Europe’s newest capital, as Kosovo only gained its independence 6 years ago.   There, there was a prominence of young folk as over half the population is under 25 years of age.     Lots of the older generation had either fled the country during  the troubles in recent years or they had not survived at all.    A country made up of Christians and Muslims.    The team met with partners out there who had reverted to Christianity because, in the words of one young girl, ‘we learn good things’.    After the troubles of recent years the Kosovans endeavour to encourage the young to stay and build up their country for the future.

Distributing the gift filled shoeboxes is an experience never to be forgotten, with some boys and girls delirious with excitement while others show no emotion at all.   Very often we don’t know the story behind these emotions but we do know that each and every box we hand over has been filled with love and it is this love, God’s love,  that  we go out there to share with these boys and girls regardless of their colour or creed.

We spent one afternoon in a play club on the outskirts of Kosovo where the children were from the Roma community.  Their ‘toys’ for the session were not balls or bats or skipping ropes but two toilet rolls!   They had great fun and I have to admit my favourite picture is one of one wee lad Arlind giving me the biggest cuddle you could ever, ever imagine.   Arlind may have no bats or balls, he many not even live in a house, but he had aspirations, just like our wee boys of being a great football player.

A mixture of emotions?   Yes, it was but memories once again, to treasure and share and fuel to continue and encourage the tremendous ‘shoebox’ team we have here in Annan Old.

December 2014

We have just heard from Chris Thomson, Scotland Manager of Samaritan’s Purse – Shoebox Appeal – that   31,400 boxes    have been collected in Scotland  (3000 up on last years total) – and are on their way to Philippines, Belarus and Kosovo   –   the 4713 boxes collected in Dumfries & Galloway are heading for distribution in Romania.

December 2014

Please remember in your prayers, Pat Jardine, Dumfries & Galloway Area Organiser for the Shoebox Appeal.    Pat leaves Annan on Monday 15th December, for  her journey  to Kosovo where she will be part of the Scotland Team helping  to distribute the shoeboxes.   Pray that Pat  and the team will have a safe journey and be richly blessed by their  time there.

 November 2014

8388 Shoeboxes from this area (Dumfriesshire and Carlisle) are on their way to Romania.   The amazing total of 1548 were collected in Annan Old.  Many thanks to everyone who helped achieve this record total.


Urgently needed for the Shoebox Packing Night ……..TOOTHPASTE, TOYS of any kind, GLOVES and SWEETIES.   We are extremely grateful for all donations, so please keep them coming.  We are being asked what is needed, so anything really, but the above items would be our priority.    Thank you very much for your support.



The Annual Shoebox Packing Night is in the Hall on 6th November from 7.00 p.m. onwards. If anyone would like to help, you would be very welcome to come along – “more hands make lighter work”. It is a nice feeling seeing all the boxes packed and stacked, waiting to be taken over to Langholm to have the official seal put on them before being packed in Cartons ready for their journey – to make lots of children happy – as a Shoebox is sometimes the only gift they will receive at Christmas.

Operation Christmas Child – 2014 Shoebox Appeal

You may have noticed that THE BIG BOX is in the Hall Vestibule again. We are hoping that you will be as generous as always, and fill it, with donations of small toys, soap, washing flannels or sponges, toothbrushes, toothpaste, pencils, rubbers, notebooks, balls etc. There are also leaflets containing some helpful information and a list of what can and what can not be packed in the shoeboxes. Thank you for your past generosity – Annan Old and friends have been responsible for thousands of happy faces – so lets try and raise lots more smiles this year.
URGENT REQUEST….. Especially needed at present – toothpaste, toothbrushes and soap.

The final total of boxes sent from AOPC in November 2013 was 1189. The shoebox committee would like to say a big “thank you” to all those involved in reaching this magnificent figure. Boxes were enjoyed by families in Ukraine.